Healer of the body

My journey in a nutshell

As a child, I was already interested in why I am not able to feel swallowed food up to my stomach and feel it all the way and be aware of it .... at the first orgasm I was curious why I can't retain concentrated energy. I am not able to control it at all ....

As a kid, I used to play sports and move. The whole going to classes and sitting at school seemed boring to me, which I have to survive. I left and spent hundreds of hours at school, and honestly, I lost a lot of the information I got there. I graduated from CTU in the field of water construction. At university, I started to doubt everything, why we have to go to work after school, why we have to be at work for 8 hours by law, why we only have two days off, etc. I worked with the university as a project manager. Lots of projects, little time for myself, but I had quite a bit of money for my student status. After two years, my candle started to go out at work and nothing filled me there, including money, because I just had enough of them. My whole body stiffened, my eyes ached from the screen, my chest tightened with uncertainty and fear, along sitting in the car and at the PC, I built a stiff back and a style of thinking based on achievement and fear. I felt that I needed a change, and I followed my instinct with a big unknown in the future. No one around me could tell me that there is another way of life. Many questions from parents and friends, what will I do and what do I plan to do? The answer was mostly a lot of fabrications and assumptions ... 

Smaller size

I went alone for a month and a half to India to clear my head. I moved from India to Sri Lanka, where I worked as a resort manager in the Virgin Kingdom. Here I meditated daily for hours, practised yoga, breathing techniques and chanted mantras. It was a very intense period. I was surrounded by an energetic natural atmosphere at the end of the world. After two and a half years, I had been convinced that our society is completely disconnected from listening to nature. And that it is not leading much anywhere. We moved technologically, but where we progressed in terms of the evolution of the mind. And is this evolution possible at all? If we still don't play for something generation after generation? Those constant tweaks ... where has it moved us? Whether as an individual or as a society. After finishing my time in Sri Lanka, I began to follow my inner feelings and follow him. This intuitive perception does not coincide with the opinion of the majority or with the thought process. I've taught, and I'm still learning to calm my mind and not think. Perceive intuition and feel yourself. I am only interested in what I enjoy, and that is movement in various forms and the body itself. 

I have great days, and I deal with matters of daily life, not what will happen in a month, not what will happen in a week and not what will happen tomorrow, because we don't know anyone ...... So why tie yourself up when you can untie yourself? It is not at all easy to take away from thinking, from work that we do not like, from relationships that hurt or from financial obligations, but it depends on us which way we go and by gradual work I can get out of everything and be free. I can do everything I want to change NOW.

My path of movement

My name is Filip Kolman, and I have been attracted to movement since I was a child. As a kid, I played tennis, table tennis, volleyball, basketball and other ball games.

I played football for the longest time, 16 years, then futsal. Simultaneously with futsal work on the horizontal bar, basic training in Krav maga and the Russian Systema. 


At the age of 19, I was injured quite often and started looking for why. I found the book The Power of the Subconscious and started practising mind concentration techniques that I was still working on and through which I got into yoga. I have practised and still practice hatha yoga and its various branches such as shatkarma, asana, pranayama, japa and mantra. Personal guidance under Yogi Sath Nath from the Nata tradition of Indian yogis. After this tasting, I tried ashtanga vinyasa yoga (Mysore style). 


I am currently expanding my skills in skills that I simply enjoy, such as freediving, handstand, trapeze, gymnastic rings, dancing, working with tennis balls and more….

Why me?

I use many years of experience with movement skills, yoga and working with the mind. You will be under scrutiny, and I will be watching you closely and perceive your expressive abilities, body movement and habits of your mind. We will discuss, study and suggest ways to overcome the pitfalls and obstacles of your old bad habits and how to move forward. We can also discuss your whole day and suggest how to work with the time you set aside for the new day, for example, by getting up earlier (when I felt the opportunity to have time for myself, one month and a half in a row I trained 7 hr per day alone yoga). From me, you will hear the truth, which has not always just a pleasant coat.

Why start or continue?

Like any individual, we get to the point where everything start to be stereotypical and we need to move or find a new direction that will breathe new life into our veins. Pain, fear and anxiety are things that can be worked with and possibly got rid of completely and step into our own new world, where we are ourselves and happy.

Filip and I spent several weeks of intensive training in Sri Lanka. I was very satisfied with his leadership. He is very careful and attentive. It is base on his own experience and practice. I recommend.
Robert Krenželák
Traveler and adventurer
For me, Filip's practice is varied, fun and at the same time, disciplined and focused on detail. He can lead straight to inner goals. At the same time, he is a good fitness trainer. I would say that he can prepare a great professional. After several intense days spent under Filip's supervision, I felt a huge physical and mental shift. I'm looking forward to seeing you again sometime :) Thanks.
Iva Pindorova
Management of body and soul
Thanks to Filip, I had the opportunity to taste the beauty of the connection between body and mind. The overall reassurance has left a strong mark on me to this day.
I recommend.
Kryštof Paleta